Instructions for Canteen Volunteers
Instruction for Canteen Volunteers
1. Sign in at the office and collect the keys with the green keyring.
2. Unlock the big gate at the end of the ramp in the staff parking on the way to the canteen.
3. Unlock the canteen doors using the large key.
4. Switch on the air conditioner on the left of the door as you enter (big green light)
5. Set out the classroom baskets on the middle table in numerical order.
They will not all fit, so we usually put 1 to 3; 4 and 5 on the bottom row; and 20 and 21 on the side (next to the microwave)/. Not all baskets will be at the canteen. Some may still be at the classrooms.
6. Go to the staff gate and meet Tia from Canteen Kings and help carry down the orders to the canteen. There is a blue trolley in the pantry in the canteen that you can use.
7. Tia is only meant to drop and run and not to distribute food.
4 types of boxes will be delivered.
1. Polystyrene boxes that contain HOT FOOD
2. Polystyrene boxes that contain COLD FOOD
3. Boxes that contain snacks
4. Crate that contains drinks.
· The food orders will have a sticker on the packages. Place the orders into the boxes in accordance with ROOM NUMBER. If a room number is not clear, the person’s name can be looked up on the order list.
· The drink orders will be highlighted on the order list. Please read the drink name carefully as they have very subtle differences.
· The order list is a very useful item and will help with any discrepancies. Please place the order list into the black paper tray above the computer when leaving.
· Place the items into the classroom baskets (starting with the hot food as they take up the most space). If there is no basket, use a cardboard box if available.
PLEASE DO NOT SEND OUT LUNCH ORDERS if the boxes haven’t been checked for correct orders and room numbers
Stay in the canteen until 12:30 as students will come and tell you that they have not received their orders or that their orders are wrong. You can show them what has been ordered for them by showing them the order list. When leaving, lock all the doors to the canteen, lock the gate and sign out when returning the keys
If there are any problems, please contact Tia at Canteen Kings on 0415 290 810
Or Silvia (P&C President) on 0405 485 233.