P&C Committee

Member Roles and Responsibilities


Vice President



Communications Coordinator

Parent Representative Coordinator

Canteen Convenor

Website Coordinator

Other Roles

Executive Committee Members (x4 minimum)


Regular Sub Committees

What is a subcommittee? 

Subcommittees are formed to coordinate events. 1 Executive member must always be on the subcommittee as this is the point of contact for the P&C and there are some rules and procedures that needs to be followed to ensure that our insurance cover is valid. These can be seen in more detail below.

Coordinates Bunnings Sausage Sizzles including roster of cooking staff.  A full running sheet is provided with step by step instructions.  

Liaises with the school administration to coordinate the Doubleview Colour Run.  Organising parent helpers to help on the day to setup management for the event.

Coordinate and be the point of contact with Entertainment which is a valued supporter to our school community for which the school receives a commission.  

Coordinate the planning for the Disco Night.

Coordinate and plan a great Parents Night Out.

Many events at the school have a yummy cake stall.  A person is always needed to coordinate the cakes stall and make sure is is well stocked and well manned.

Doubleview is an election point and so we would love to make the most of this opportunity by hosting a fete.

Coordinate an annual Family Fun Night including all advertising and ticket sales.  Other examples:  SciTech Discovery Centre, Cinema nights.  If you have any fun ideas please contact us! We are always open to new ideas.

Contact emails for committee roles

Email addresses for all portfolios are listed below:

President: President@dvpspnc.org

Vice-President: Vicepresident@dvpspnc.org

Treasurer: Treasurer@dvpspnc.org

Secretary: Secretary@dvpspnc.org

Parent Rep: Parent.rep@dvpspnc.org

Communications: Communications@dvpspnc.org

Website Coordinator: website.coordinator@dvpspnc.org

Canteen Convenor: Canteen.convenor@dvpspnc.org