P&C Committee
Member Roles and Responsibilities
The President is the meeting Chairperson, the public face of the P&C and can be a link between parents and school administration;
The President is a signatory to the bank accounts;
Needs to ensure other Office Bearers fulfill their duties, handles media and all external enquiries, observes legal formalities;
Deals with correspondence in the president email account;
Is an ex officio member of all Sub-committees;
Is an Executive Committee member; and
Meets with the school administration after every P&C meeting or as required.
Vice President
The Vice President will undertake the President’s duties if they are unable to do so, including chairing meetings when the President is absent or has a conflict of interest or meeting with the school;
Deals with correspondence in the vice president email account;
Is an Executive Committee member;
They also hold the role of WACSSO Liaison and are responsible for reporting to the P&C.
The Secretary maintains the Association’s records (NOT the financial records);
Is an Executive Committee member;
Call for agenda items 14 days before a meeting;
Book a venue for the meeting;
Posts the agenda on the P&C website 7 days prior to the meeting;
Post a notice of the meeting 7 days proior to the meeting;
Keep a seperate list of all motions;
Record minutes and ensure previous minutes are approved;
Deals with correspondence in the secretary email account; and
Maintains membership record
Maintains the P&C financial records;
Is an Executive Committee member;
Prepare and present a WRITTEN report for every General Meeting, including an up-to-date bank reconciliation, a copy of the most recent bank statement and a statement of receipts and payments;
Preparing the annual financial report for the AGM, auditor or reviewer as required;
Management of all the P&C’s accounts including overseeing ALL Sub-committee accounts;
Observe legal formalities; and
The President is a signatory to the bank accounts.
Communications Coordinator
Manage the Facebook Page;
Assist the committee to communicate information with the school community; and
Have a good understanding of the Social Media Rules of Engagement.
Parent Representative Coordinator
Chairs Parent Rep meetings once per term
Coordinates the creation and distribution of class lists at the beginning of the year;
Distributes P&C information to the Parent Reps for dissemination to class lists.
Works with the Communications Coordintor for effective school communications.
Canteen Convenor
Is the liaison between Canteen Kings and the parents;
Keeps an eye on the canteen volunteer sign up and does a call out for volunteers is numbers are low.
Website Coordinator
Ensure that the website is up to date; amnd
Promotes the website within the school communitee.
Other Roles
Executive Committee Members (x4 minimum)
The President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer are all members of the Executive Committee.
The executive committee meets for urgent decision making agenda items when a quorum is not reached.
Anyone who is a financial member can nominate to be on he Executive Committee.
The P&C has a strict requirement that 3 people must approve one payment.
It is helpful if there are 4 or more signatories
Regular Sub Committees
What is a subcommittee?
Subcommittees are formed to coordinate events. 1 Executive member must always be on the subcommittee as this is the point of contact for the P&C and there are some rules and procedures that needs to be followed to ensure that our insurance cover is valid. These can be seen in more detail below.
- Bunnings Sausage Sizzle Coordinator
Coordinates Bunnings Sausage Sizzles including roster of cooking staff. A full running sheet is provided with step by step instructions.
- Colour Run Coordinator
Liaises with the school administration to coordinate the Doubleview Colour Run. Organising parent helpers to help on the day to setup management for the event.
- Entertainment Book Coordinator
Coordinate and be the point of contact with Entertainment which is a valued supporter to our school community for which the school receives a commission.
- Disco Night
Coordinate the planning for the Disco Night.
- Parents Night Out
Coordinate and plan a great Parents Night Out.
- Cake Stalls
Many events at the school have a yummy cake stall. A person is always needed to coordinate the cakes stall and make sure is is well stocked and well manned.
- Election Fete
Doubleview is an election point and so we would love to make the most of this opportunity by hosting a fete.
- Other Special Events
Coordinate an annual Family Fun Night including all advertising and ticket sales. Other examples: SciTech Discovery Centre, Cinema nights. If you have any fun ideas please contact us! We are always open to new ideas.
Contact emails for committee roles
Email addresses for all portfolios are listed below:
President: President@dvpspnc.org
Vice-President: Vicepresident@dvpspnc.org
Treasurer: Treasurer@dvpspnc.org
Secretary: Secretary@dvpspnc.org
Parent Rep: Parent.rep@dvpspnc.org
Communications: Communications@dvpspnc.org
Website Coordinator: website.coordinator@dvpspnc.org
Canteen Convenor: Canteen.convenor@dvpspnc.org