Parent Representatives
Class Parent Representatives
The Class Parent Rep is a volunteer role. It’s fun and interesting & is well suited to parents who want to be involved in our school, it's a great way to make friends. A Class Parent Rep is the point of contact between the parents, teacher and P&C.
Parent Reps will be asked to collect the Contact Forms from their teacher at the beginning of the school year & create a Class Contact List. and you will be directed by the P&C Parent Rep Coordinator. Parent Reps can also organise social events for their classes or year groups.
They will be asked to provide help and/ or gather helpers for school events and Canteen rosters and forward emails to parents from the P&C. They are also encouraged, but it is not compulsory to attend the monthly P&C Meeting.
For any queries please contact the Parent Representative via
Parent Reps 2023
Rm 1 - Kindy Red Mrs Bennett: Sarah Moon
Rm 2 - Kindy Gold Ms Willemer & Ms Olsen: Julie Beaumont
Rm 2 - Kindy Green Ms Willemer & Ms Olsen: Cristina Lee
Rm 3 - PP Mrs Foster & Mr Watkins: Alice Hennessy
Rm 4 - PP Ms Ross & Ms McMahon: Alex Clifford
Rm 5 - PP Mrs Mundow & Ms Olsen: Fleur Holland
Rm 6 - Year 1 Miss Pym: Claire Halliday
Rm 8 - Year 1 Miss Goodchild: Chloe Dunlop
Rm 9 - Year 1 Mrs Fidler: Amber Quinn
Rm 10 - Year 2 Mrs Cook & Ms Ryan: Laura Henry
Rm 11 - Year 2 Miss Lynch: Traci Hefferon
Rm 12 - Year 2 Miss Barrett: Helen Murray
Rm 13 - Year 3 Mr Piesse: Rachel Dennison
Rm 14 - Year 3 Ms Negus: Jacky Melouney
Rm 15 - Year 3 Miss Gilomen: Erin Warren
Rm 16 - Year 4 Mr Beckett: Karina White-Kane
Rm 17 - Year 4 Mr Dunstan: Alison Atkinson
Rm 18 - Year 5 Mr Correia: Regan Robinson
Rm 19 - Year 5 Miss Chinery: Susie Gaunt
Rm 20 - Year 6 Mrs Mulroney & Mr K: Alison Atkinson & Courtney Hahipene
Rm 21 - Year 6 Mrs Waters: Georgia Coffey, Kate Murphy & Ailsa McDonald
Parent Reps 2022
Rm 1 - Kindy Red - Mrs Bennett: Meaghan Deanne
Rm 2 - Kindy Gold - Ms Willemer/ Ms Bannister: Elisha Culpin
Rm 2 - Kindy Green - Ms Willemer/ Ms Bannister: Fleur Holland
Rm 3 - PP - Mrs Foster/ Mr Watkins: Andrea Siedl
Rm 4 - PP - Ms Ross/ Mrs McMahon: Susie Gaunt
Rm 5 - PP - Ms Goode: Cecile Eggenberger
Rm 5 - Yr 1 - Ms Goode: Belinda Wilkinson
Rm 6 - Yr 1 - Miss Pym - Helen Murray
Rm 8 - Yr 1 - Miss Goodchild: Emilia Firkins
Rm 9 - Yr 1 - Mrs Fidler/ Mrs Bridgwood: Jill Bloomfield
Rm 9 - Yr 2 - Mrs Fidler/ Mrs Bridgwood: Mandy Eustance
Rm 10 - Yr 2 - Mrs Cook/ Mrs Mammome: Rachael McDonald
Rm 11 - Yr 2 - Ms Lynch: Sarah Moon & Olivia Taylor
Rm 12 - Yr 2 - Mrs Barrett/ Mrs Bridgwood: Kellie-Anne Xanthis
Rm 13 - Yr 3 - Mr Piesse: Emma Naylor
Rm 14 - Yr 3 - Ms Bell: Karla Leed & Jill Bloomfield
Rm 14 - Yr 4 - Ms Bell: Matt Holder
Rm 15 - Yr 3 -Ms Gilomen: Laura O'Neill
Rm 16 - Yr 4 - Mr Beckett: Susie Gaunt
Rm 17 - Yr 4 - Mr Dunstan: Renee Hazeldine
Rm 18 - Yr 5 - Mr Correia/ Mrs Bridgwood: Deepti Wetjen
Rm 19 - Yr 5 - Miss Chinery: Courtney Hahipene
Rm 20 - Yr 6 - Mrs Mulroney/ Mr K: Sam Scott & Nani Leed
Rm 21 - Yr 6 - Miss Bradock: Antje McBay & Claire Dureigne